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MagnificentMarcus 01-30-2007 05:40 AM

Global Warming???

Interesting article! Why is it that I'm starting to feel that liberals tactics are looking very similar to the tactics used by Nazis & Communists.

lordsmurf 01-30-2007 07:03 AM

I don't know what this has to do with "liberals" (or "conservatives" either), but I would agree that there needs to be some controls on who is and who is not allowed to be an "expert" in a field. Many of them are paid, senile, stupid, quacks, and whatnot, giving advice that affects the lives of others.

weevil6772 01-30-2007 09:19 AM

I've been saying for years on this board and others this same stuff.It's cyclical, there's tons of proof of this.And on top of that, other planets surfaces are heating up, the sun is much brighter, it's not limited to Earth.People can't seem to wrap their brains around that though.Either global warming doesn't exist and it's leftist/liberal propaganda, or it's real and it's our vehicles and plants causing it,therefore we need a global tax on emissions to stop it(which does NOTHING to stop/slow it).They don't bother to research for themselves, they just watch Al Gore's flick and they think they know all about it.There are no sports utility vehicles on Mars, and yet the planet's surface is heating up to the point where the ice caps there are melting.Wake up out of the left/right paradigm, it's really insanely cliche at this point to turn everything in the world into left/right issues.Think beyond that,you only spin wheels and nothing gets solved that route.The warming is indeed real, but it's not from pollution.Anyone who takes the time to research the issue will find that backed by many experts, many studies, and quite frank, and valid evidence.

MagnificentMarcus 01-30-2007 10:29 AM

I say liberals because it has become a far-left Democrat issue. Which brings me back to my original statement about the tactics they are using. I always thought tolerance and fair play were the main stay of the Democrats. They always call themselves progressives, but how can you be progressive if you can't tolerant a viewpoint different then your own? The article I pasted the link really brings that home. These are the same tactics that the Communists and Nazis used to gain power.

The Neo-coservatives aren't much better on the issue. They just want to fight with the liberals.
God I hate them all-Rush,Hilary,Al Gore!

The fact is that I believe we all can agree that it would be a nicer world without all the pollution, but lets get our facts straight.

wayshway 01-30-2007 10:53 AM

Doesn't really matter at all. We're all pretty much screwed and doomed. So sit back and enjoy your life. [:x)][88]

lordsmurf 01-30-2007 01:24 PM


quote:Originally posted by MagnificentMarcus

Ihow can you be progressive if you can't tolerant a viewpoint different then your own? The article I pasted the link really brings that home. These are the same tactics that the Communists and Nazis used to gain power.
Well, you have to have the wisdom that some viewpoints are simply wrong, and it is also true that opinions can be wrong. If something is purposely based on faulty logic or lies, then those ideas cannot and should not be respected. They are not a viewpoint as much as they are simply noise.

I can appreciate the need to quiet quacks. We did it with the medical practice almost 100 years ago (although it could use some more refinement in the age of infomercials), and it really does need to spread to other sciences.

MagnificentMarcus 01-30-2007 03:53 PM

LS, you make my point about the far-left being intolerant. You can not find out if an idea, concept, etc., is based on faulty logic or lies unless you have to freedom and tolerance to listen, debate and explore all viewpoints.

Wayshaw read the article before preparing for the end.

wayshway 01-30-2007 04:45 PM


quote:Originally posted by MagnificentMarcus

Wayshaw read the article before preparing for the end.
Heh heh, I'm just giving you guys a bad time. [88][88]

cp32 01-31-2007 12:21 AM

The End is Near.. Where's Exador when you need him .Gloom dispair bring agony on me. I searched the world over and thought I found true love. You left wit anuther and..pppppppppppppppft You were gone lol Just bend over kiss your *** goodbye. Dont worry about tomorrow or yesterday. You may only have half of today ;)

You live till you die. Die laughing. Or with a huge smile on your face. :D Vertical [8~2] or not ;):D[88][:p][xo]

lordsmurf 01-31-2007 08:25 AM


quote:Originally posted by MagnificentMarcus

LS, you make my point about the far-left being intolerant. You can not find out if an idea, concept, etc., is based on faulty logic or lies unless you have to freedom and tolerance to listen, debate and explore all viewpoints. Wayshaw read the article before preparing for the end.
I'm referring to after having listened to something. That's when they need to be kept quiet, once the decision is made that their information is little more than verbal/literary diarrhea. This political correctness crap of "every sides has merits" is bunk. For example, creationism. Why the hell would that be taught in a science course? It's not science at all. It has no merit in the area of science, none whatsoever. I might actually believe in it for other reasons, but I'm not stupid enough to actually think it's for scientific reasons.

"Intolerance" and "intelligence" are not the same thing. I'm intelligent enough not to tolerate stupid ideas. But that's not the same as being "intolerant". That term is reserved for unintelligent decisions, not intelligent ones.

I'm all for people believing in whatever they want. But they might also be stupid because of it. And to pretend it is science is beyond ridiculous.

And I'm moderate with a slightly left lean, by the way. The polar sides are idiots too (overzealous political correctness on the left, bible-humping on the right).

MagnificentMarcus 01-31-2007 10:39 AM

Slightly left-moderate leanings. LS, I would hate to drive with you anywhere that required a right turn.. It would take you three left turns just to go right!

By the way, what would you do if someone thought your ideas or comments weren't very intelligent or "verbal/literary diarrhea?" Should they be able to pre-empt you?

lordsmurf 01-31-2007 11:41 AM

Don't try to apply faulty logic on me. I'm not the one running around presenting pseudo-science and outright non-science as science. This is a one-way street. I don't go around presenting my ideas and comments on scientific endeavors (medicine, origins of the universe, weather patterns) as being anything more than my own thoughts, not as "this is the way it is" (proclamation of fact).

MagnificentMarcus 01-31-2007 01:22 PM

LS, not sure if you are implying that I am, if so please state your case with some examples. I merely was pointing out how the scientific debate regarding global warming seems to be politicalized and now there seems to be a PC view that all the enlightened understand! Since it is a topic of great concern for liberals who by the way associate themselves primarily as Democrats. I thought it was interesting how they seem to be trying to silence any debate or disagreement with their views.

In MY OPINION, unfortunately this seems to be the new Democratic Party or at least how it's participants seem to view and respond to issues. Very, very UNFORTUNATE! I believe J. F. K. would be ashamed!

lordsmurf 01-31-2007 01:33 PM

Not implying anything at you, nope. Only towards those wacky "experts". I'm fine with debate, but it has to be sensible. On one thing we can agree: it is too political! Indeed!

cp32 02-01-2007 12:39 AM

Whoa...Rare chat flashback .....Relp ????? lol

All this smurfy madness :P

jie3 02-02-2007 06:22 PM


quote:Originally posted by MagnificentMarcus

Interesting article! Why is it that I'm starting to feel that liberals tactics are looking very similar to the tactics used by Nazis & Communists.
Why do I get the feeling that if Bush was championing the focus on climate change, your views would be much different?;)

Here's some interesting reading:


MagnificentMarcus 02-03-2007 03:16 AM

I read your articles, but it is obvious that you didn't read mine. I'm looking for honest debate. I actually have no problem with anyone who wants to cut greenhouses gasses and pollution. Frankly, there is no downside if we do. My major concern is that if one side stiffles debate, you stiffle solutions! I believe it was three plus years ago on the predessors of this site that I stated the biggest problem we will face in the future will be energy and it use!

I'm taking aim at liberals and the Dems because they seem to be doing the above far more than their counterparts.One thing I like about the Republicans being in power is that they a scruntized heavily by the media. Bad thing about the Dems being in power is that they seem to be given a pass by the media. I'm so sick of this self appointed enlightenment that liberals think they possess and that they feel they should be able to force their viewpoints on everyone.

I've said this before I HATE both sides, but this arrongance from the Liberals is really turning me off! The fortunate thing is that knowing these isssues like I do that I would be willing to bet that both sides are wrong and we the general public will have to pay the price for the arrongance of these self-appointed elite!

But can you believe this excerpt from the article:
"Heidi Cullen gained earlier fame for hosting environmental writer David Roberts, who openly called for Nuremberg-style war crimes trials (complete with death sentences) for any scientist brave enough to dispute the public hysteria on global warming. How's that for support of scientific truth and free speech? In the past, reporters just hung up on scientists who didn't agree with their beliefs ... now they want to lynch them!"

jie3 02-03-2007 03:30 PM


quote:Originally posted by MagnificentMarcus

I read your articles, but it is obvious that you didn't read mine. I'm looking for honest debate. I actually have no problem with anyone who wants to cut greenhouses gasses and pollution. Frankly, there is no downside if we do. My major concern is that if one side stiffles debate, you stiffle solutions! I believe it was three plus years ago on the predessors of this site that I stated the biggest problem we will face in the future will be energy and it use!

I'm taking aim at liberals and the Dems because they seem to be doing the above far more than their counterparts.One thing I like about the Republicans being in power is that they a scruntized heavily by the media. Bad thing about the Dems being in power is that they seem to be given a pass by the media. I'm so sick of this self appointed enlightenment that liberals think they possess and that they feel they should be able to force their viewpoints on everyone.

I've said this before I HATE both sides, but this arrongance from the Liberals is really turning me off! The fortunate thing is that knowing these isssues like I do that I would be willing to bet that both sides are wrong and we the general public will have to pay the price for the arrongance of these self-appointed elite!

But can you believe this excerpt from the article:
"Heidi Cullen gained earlier fame for hosting environmental writer David Roberts, who openly called for Nuremberg-style war crimes trials (complete with death sentences) for any scientist brave enough to dispute the public hysteria on global warming. How's that for support of scientific truth and free speech? In the past, reporters just hung up on scientists who didn't agree with their beliefs ... now they want to lynch them!"
I admire that you are able to take the standpoint of not supporting either side. As much as I oppose the vast majority of republican viewpoints, I also have issues with some dem policies and propositions, I don't think it's possible to be either conservative or liberal before the fact. Everything should be assessed individually, and not generally.

The problem I have with the US government's approach to climate change, is that it has been an issue which it has skirted over for years, but chooses now to acknowledge it (somewhat minimally), as it detracts attention from other issues such as the controversy surrounding the sending of more troops to Iraq. I think that's where the majority of negative press stems from, the fact the the current Government addresses issues when it is in its best interests to do so, and the people's.


weevil6772 02-04-2007 05:29 AM

lol, wow...This thread so far proves exactly what I said in my post.How quickly the topic at hand gets turned into a Left/Right political argument.No wonder the country/world is going to crap, divide and conquer.Too bad people just can't seem to rise above the most base levels of control, and learn to look and think outside of their very narrow political viewpoints.The problem at hand is not a Republican/Democrat/Liberal/"Insert cliche political label", situation.It knows no color, creed, political affiliation.This is the same reason our economy is tanking, energy issues are being ignored, our borders are wide open with millions pouring in, etc, etc.Real problems fall to the wayside because everyone just bickers their myopic political leanings.Time to wake up, they are both controlled and on the same team.Can't people at least pay attention to the difference in what politicians say, and how they vote?Notice how slick they turned the opposition to the war, which was the basis for the Democrats being elected en masse last election, to opposition to just a "build-up?"Whatever your political leaning,there is a heating of the planet, but the Sun, and other planets are experiencing it as well.The solution we are being offered is yet another burdensome tax that will solve nothing more than hurting the pockets of everyday citizens.Don't know why I'm even bothering lol, guess we'll all keep devolving conversations into "you leftist!", no you "right-winger", or better yet, it's your fault "dirty liberal" Lol, gimme a break!

lordsmurf 02-04-2007 07:17 AM

Actually, the sun cools over time.

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