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konfusion 01-24-2008 11:43 AM

I got this in an email today from a friend and thought it was kinda funny so i decided to share it here.


If you are 30 or older you will think this is hilarious!!!!

When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears
with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were
when they were growing up; what with walking
twenty-five miles to school every morning ... uphill BOTH ways

yadda, yadda, yadda

And I remember promising myself that when I grew up,
there was no way in hell I was going to lay
a bunch of crap like that on kids about how hard I had it
and how easy they've got it!

But now that...I'm over the ripe old age of
thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today.
You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my
childhood, you live in a dang Utopia!

And I hate to say it but you kids today you
don't know how good you've got it!

I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have the
Internet . If we wanted to know something,
we had to go to the dang library and
look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!!

There was no email!! We had to actually write
somebody a letter with a pen!
Then you had to walk all the way across the street and
put it in the mailbox and it would take like a week to get there!

There were no MP3's or Napsters! You wanted to steal music, you had to hitchhike to the dang record store and shoplift it yourself!

Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ'd usually talk over the
beginning and @#*% it all up!
We didn't have fancy crap like Call Waiting! If you
were on the phone and somebody else called they got a busy signal, that's it!

And we didn't have fancy Caller ID Boxes either!
When the phone rang, you
had no idea who it was! It could be your school,
your mom, your boss, your bookie, your drug dealer, a collections agent, you
just didn't know!!! You had
to pick it up and take your chances, mister!

We didn't have any fancy Sony Playstation video
games with high-resolution
3-D graphics! We had the Atari 2600! With games
like 'Space Invaders' and
'asteroids'. Your guy was a little square! You
actually had to use your
imagination!! And there were no multiple levels or
screens, it was just one screen

And you could never win. The game just kept getting
harder and harder and
faster and faster until you died! Just like LIFE!

When you went to the movie theater there no such
thing as stadium seating!
All the seats were the same height! If a tall guy
or some old broad with a hat
sat in front of you and you couldn't see, you were
just screwed!

Sure, we had cable television, but back then that
was only like 15 channels
and there wa s no on screen menu and no remote
control! You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was
on! You were screwed when it
came to channel surfing! You had to get off
your *** and walk over to the TV to change the
channel and there was no
Cartoon Network either! You could only get cartoons
on Saturday Morning. Do you hear what I'm saying!?!
We had to wait ALL WEEK
for cartoons, you spoiled
little rat-bastards!

And we didn't have microwaves, if we wanted to heat
something up we had to
use the stove or go build a frigging fire ..
imagine that! If we wanted popcorn, we had to use that stupid Jiffy Pop thing
and shake it over the stove
forever like an idiot.

That's exactly what I'm talking about! You kids
today have got it too easy.
You're spoiled. You guys wouldn't have lasted
five minutes back in 1980's!

The over 30 Crowd

MagnificentMarcus 01-24-2008 02:27 PM

I agree, try living in the 60s and 70s-PONG and foozball was all we got to play!Why don't you LOSERS go hit yourselves, and then vote for Obama to show what big girls you all are!(LOL)[:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][xx(]:(:([:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)][:x)]

wayshway 01-24-2008 02:43 PM

I had a microwave in the 80's. [:x)]

lordsmurf 01-24-2008 07:53 PM

- We had call waiting in the 1980s.
- We had microwaves in the 1980s. Build a fire? Use the stove? WTF? There were ovens too!
- Cable TV had at least 30-40 channels in the 1980s (Dallas had 10-15 locals).
- I was watching Cartoon Network in 1992. That's when it was actually good. Maybe not a kid then...
- "Stupid Jiffy Pop thing" .. ?? ... I can only assume he/she means the pan with foil.
- Atari 2600 and Pong are far more fun than a Playstation.
- I'd like to see somebody shoplift an LP. LOL! How do you hide a record?
- E-mail and chat existed, and there were private computer networks in the 80s.

I think a teenager or 20-year-old wrote this.

This letter might apply to the over-40 crowd instead.

I definitely remember recording the radio for free music. Stupid DJs did mess it up.
When I was a kid, I was the remote control.

konfusion 01-24-2008 10:27 PM

lol ya i know i just thought it was funnny. just like your parents didnt have to walk up hill both ways to school

Tcel93 02-11-2008 06:41 AM

In 6 feet of snow....

SavageAmusement 02-11-2008 07:51 AM

Without shoes

debwalsh 02-11-2008 09:49 AM

And every two miles, they had to give their little brother the coat because they could only afford one ...

JonathanEntertainment 02-11-2008 10:18 AM

lol yea this had to be an older person that is for sure I am a 80's born person. Good times

MagnificentMarcus 02-11-2008 10:20 AM

Yeh Kon, you have to walk up a hill both ways even now. You have to go uphill, then downhill to get over any hill!

Frankly, now that I will be 50 years old next year, I look back and think how easy you 40 and under crowd have it.

I still find it hard to find anyone who isn't retired who went to school in a two room lavarock schoolhouse like I did. We had first thru third grade in one room and fourth thru sixth grade in the other schoolroom. I spent my elementary school years in that place, and was so happy that House of Hell burned down several years later.

Oh, we also had one TV station till I 18 years old and only black & white TV.I never had seen a color TV till I went to college!

We only could get one AM radio station where I lived-KART (country).

My favorite song was, "I'm a Gun," by Lorne Greene.

I actually thought Elton John and Oliva Newton John were related till I was 18! THat's how bad it was for me!

Didn't have a dog, but a shovel for a pet!

Didn't have whiteout to cover up our written mistakes, you just rub a hole in the paper where your mistake was.


jpklcapp 02-11-2008 11:35 AM

That seems about right to me. I didnt have crap compared to what my son has - **** - I didnt even have a ROOM until I was 17 - we lived in this little bullcrap apartment that had like a half bedroom - it only had three walls and a dang screen for privacy (SONOFA****) - no freak telephone until I was 15 - too freakin expensive - had to walk 3 blocks to my aunts house who could afford a phone. Cars were always dang broken havetowalkSONOFA**** junkers rusted so bad I could put my foot on the ground from inside (seriously have a picture like this somewhere).

My son is 9 - he has a 350 hour tivo, a 20" flat panel and a wii with a stack of games, a ds with a loader and MY PSP (modded of course) HE REALLY HAS NO dang IDEA HOW EASY IT IS FOR HIM.

Crap - that original post was funny but I am all wound up now about how sucky my childhood was compared - I think I am going to drink for a while..............

jpklcapp 02-11-2008 11:37 AM

Sorry about that - I sound like a complete loon - missed my meds apparently :D

debwalsh 02-11-2008 01:07 PM

I grew up in the '60s. I remember playing outside a lot, putting on shows with my neighborhood friends, building forts and waging battles through our backyards, and visiting the library often for new books to read. I remember arguing politics with my Dad (I started that when I was about 7 - he was conservative, I've always been a liberal), and hearing great music on the radio and on the dance shows on TV. I thought we had lots of interesting TV shows to watch, more than my Mom would allow. I also remember the excitement of getting our first color TV set, and the first time we had a TV that could receive UHF (for the purposes of watching Adventures of Superman, Astro Boy, 8th Man and Kimba in syndication!). We had 4 VHF stations, and 3 or 4 UHF stations, and it seems like half the shows that were on them I've either collected or I'm looking for.

I think kids make their own fun no matter what resources they have at hand.

MagnificentMarcus 02-11-2008 04:48 PM

I think all the electronics is why our kids have such weight problems and diabetes now days. They don't go play outside anymore.

I guess we should all be happy we re all alive and well, it just get my goat when those who have it so good complain. Of course our parents probably said the same thing about us!

debwalsh 02-11-2008 10:47 PM

My parents definitely did! I think it's all part of the natural order of things, as one generation passes the playtime torch on to the next.

MagnificentMarcus 02-12-2008 05:53 PM

I tell you who is one of the most spoiled lazy individuals I've ever known-is my stepson! He is about ready to graduate with a degree from Evergreen (LIBERAL) College in Liberal Arts (Classical Literature emphasis)!LOSER!!!!![}:)][}:)][}:)]

He finally had to get a job (work study). He cost me $3,500.00 a year just to insure him to drive. He never drove that $500.00 piece of crap he bought (which his mother and I spent another $3,000.00 to keep running). When I told him since he moved out that he would have to get his own coverage he decided he would sell the vehicle and take the bus! The little POS cost me over $150,000.00 in a car accident he got into driving his friend's pickup. He didn't have a drivers license or even a permit (he was 16 at the time). Here is some info you need to know. Someone drives your car and get in to a accident with no drivers license-NO COVERAGE!He just about bankrupted me!:(:( His mother and I just about called it quits over all of this fiasco!

I think I call and wake him up and tell him that all of his best years are all ready behind him! He's 21 now!


I should add that his mom loves him, but is starting wondering about his future.

gatch72 02-13-2008 10:53 AM

I remember when i had channels 2-13

MagnificentMarcus 02-14-2008 03:46 AM

So to have ruined this thread with my rant, but it is something that has been a problem for me.

jpklcapp 02-16-2008 08:47 AM

so it appears that Marcus and I are both pretty tightly wound.....

wayshway 02-19-2008 06:38 AM

Oh, I got one for you.
My brother In Law is real spoiled turd. Mommy and Daddy do everything for him. My Father In Law is losing his eye sight and is on disability. My Mother In Law works for UC Berkeley and gets paid once a month.

He's ghetto and hip hop so he pretends to be hella bad.

They pay for his $45,000 street racing car monthly + all his other bills. Not to mention all the speeding tickets they pay for him. $200.00 a month for the cel phone. They pay his credit cards and everything else.

He plays golf so they pay for his golf lessons, golf tournaments, clothes, shoes etc etc which gets into the thousands.

They pay for his hip hop clothes which ain't cheap. He has to have a new pair of $200.00 Nikes every few weeks. They also pay for his Gym membership, protein shakes and all that stuff.

He has to have a ton of clothes because he changes his clothes at least 8 times a day to show off to all his other Wigger friends. He also showers 3 times a day. Daddy does 19 loads of Laundry every Monday for him. They even have to pick up his wet towel, wipe the toilet seat after he uses it and clean his room for him.

He only comes home when he's bringing strays back with him in the middle of the night. They also have to sleep in the living room because they gave up their room when he moved backed from San Diego.

When he's home, he keeps them up all night because he's going in an out, smoking pot and playing video games and making food in the kitchen.

He's going to be 26 years old in March.

To top it off, He won't take my mother in law to the Bart station every morning so she can take the train to work. He refuses to do it and says he shouldn't have to. So my almost blind father in law has to. He even said at one time he doesn't care if they go homeless as long as his car is paid for every month.

konfusion 02-19-2008 08:01 AM

I thought i was bad. sheesh that is horrible. Thats just to much. Id hate to see what would happen if the parents passed away.
Dude needs a reality check..

Im pretty spoiled being the only child but not like that. shows no responsabilty what so ever.

some of that sounds like he is the prince from coming to america. Wipe the toilet seat for him thats nasty.

wayshway 02-19-2008 08:26 AM

It's my in laws fault.
They used to be really rich. They worked for the A's and owned 20 sports stores. They designed the A's and Giants uniforms that you see now.

They gave him everything he wanted and never disciplined him, spanked him or put him on restriction. My wife says he used to scream at the top of his lungs when he didn't get his way.

He'll need a Mommy the rest of his life. He'll have to find a rich wife that will do those things for him.

He treats women like crap too. He had a girlfriend that he would make sit out in the car while he came in, ate and took a nap.

debwalsh 02-19-2008 09:18 AM

Sounds like my cousin's daughter. Anything she wants, she puts her hand out, and he fills it. I don't care how much he complains, he always gives her what she wants, so she never values anything. It's a shame, because I think she could be a decent person if she had to work for what she got, and place a value on it. But Dad keeps shelling out the cash - bought her a house, pays her mortgage, pays for her boyfriends to live in it, pays for the car, grad school, all her credit cards, food, etc. He lives in FL, she lives in Philly. Doesn't matter - he still pays for it all.

Me, I moved home to my Mom's house to take care of her as her rheumatoid arthritis progresses. Not even remotely perfect, but I do try to pay for some of the household bills, and I'm trying to convince my Mom to let me pay for her medications. Not so coincidentally, my parents sided with me when I was right but punished me when I was wrong. I think there are times when my Mom would still like to ground me, especially when I get too many boxes in a month from my favorite toy stores ... :&gt;

jpklcapp 02-19-2008 12:21 PM

"He had a girlfriend that he would make sit out in the car while he came in, ate and took a nap."

That is friggin hilarious - I mean it is wrong in so many ways - but piss funny.

Tcel93 02-19-2008 03:04 PM

You can never get too many boxes from your favorite toy store :D

MagnificentMarcus 02-19-2008 03:57 PM

My stepson didn't get off scott-free and he won't for as long as I'm alive! He didn't think much of the accident and then started going around using the GD word around me. He had to pick himself off his *** twice after I warned him and then decided he would punish his mother and go live with his Dad. Didn't punish me, but his mom cried for a month. She thought he would hate her for the rest of his life. Thirty days later he was begging to come back, didn't get to comeback till the next school year and the rest is history.

Funny thing, he is 30 years younger than me and as tall, but he still knows he would last less than 30 seconds if it got physical between the two of us!

konfusion 02-20-2008 07:20 PM

Did you have to walk up hill to and from school?

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