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jpklcapp 02-17-2008 01:11 PM

What the heck is with mainstream media?
EVery dang show has to have homosexual references in them these days. I am driven crazy by these drop ins that make an otherwise acceptable show for family viewing questionable or excluded. The latest to piss-me-off is the Knight RIder movie. Look I am FINE with a homosexual character in a film or a tv show when it is PART of the plotline - like Will & Grace for instance - it was an INTEGRAL and IMPORTANT part of the plot and the series so that makes sence. BUT THE DROP IN homosexual just to have one there makes me nutty! There was NO REASON THAT THE FBI chick had to be a lesbian - it did not alter the plot development - it did not impact the story but they had to make her lesbian - THEN KITT asks the new Michael Knight if he is homosexual - and has to add to the difficulty with PICTURES of men holding hands! These are two perfect examples of the DROP IN HOMOSEXUAL that makes me absolutely crazed - if it does not impact the plot line, does not figure into the development of the character in some pithy way then it is just a bunch of crap that doesnt need to be there.

konfusion 02-17-2008 02:05 PM

lol havnt watched it yet.

wayshway 02-17-2008 02:13 PM

It's trendy or cool to be a homo. I play this game called Gaia online. They have about 500,000 users and most of them are teenagers. And most of them say they are gay or bi sexual because it's cool.

konfusion 02-17-2008 03:41 PM

lol. i thought being bi went out of style in the 90s.

konfusion 02-17-2008 03:43 PM

i taped but reading this makes me wonder if i will like it. You sure its not on the Oxygen channel or Bravo lol

lordsmurf 02-17-2008 03:57 PM

Watch Torchwood sometime. It's over the top.

This goes along with masturbation in Transformers. There was no need. Or the T&A in movies, the love scenes that add nothing but some nipples shots.

I'm no prude, but I like for things to be appropriate for the situation. Not all situations call for T&A, gay talk, or sex talk. It's just garbage. As bad as adding farts, picking noses, and showing barf on screen. Crude crap.

wayshway 02-17-2008 04:09 PM

The thing with Torchwood is that they let you know people are gay and do things that straight people do. Kiss, hug fall in love etc. Here in America they make the homo the token gay person.

Torchwood rocks though. I don't care.

wayshway 02-17-2008 04:19 PM


quote:Originally posted by konfusion

lol. i thought being bi went out of style in the 90s.
Not really, it's bigger than ever. It's cool to be gay or ghetto.
They pump this crap down our throats all day long and people buy it hook line and sinker.

I'm not racist, but have you noticed every other commercial is about some smart Black guy making a White person look stupid. Especially during sports programs.

konfusion 02-17-2008 05:05 PM

lol. i spend most my time on here or watching old stuff or mma that i dont notice.

konfusion 02-17-2008 05:08 PM

So is kit pink in this one? lol

jpklcapp 02-17-2008 10:30 PM

No he is not pink but his new technology allows him to change colors..... all the colors of the rainbow.... aw isn't that special.
All things considered I thought it was pretty weak - the car is hot and the possibilies are there but this really is a ford marketing thing - I think it could have made a fantastic movie with better actors but as it is I would not imagine that it will be around too long. Bummer too I really was looking forward to it for about the last 3 weeks - turns out to be a loser like the new American Gladiator show.

Tranzor 02-18-2008 06:46 AM

I agree with Smurf. Torchwood is all over the place but it works well for the show (and the show itself is awesome)

In a really crappy way they are trying to show/teach some sort of tolerance. The more they show it, the more the mainstream gets used to it. In theory that would work, but it is the way they bring it across or how they promote it that makes it fail on every level

JonathanEntertainment 02-18-2008 12:28 PM

I thought it was cool with the movie its basically like a todays version of the Knight Rider Show.

jpklcapp 02-18-2008 12:33 PM

To try and sneak it in on me bothers me (the frog in the cold water analogy) - that is NOT education - that is DESENCITIZATION (wow that is fantastically misspelled if I do say so myself). When you see something that you may find out of place, difficult to accept or wrong over and over and over again it doesn't teach you to accept it - it makes you accept it by deadening your response to it. I dont like the smell of crap - but the guy who pumped my septic tank stood there and drank a soda and smoked a Marlboro while he did it. I am pretty sure that he originally didnt care for the smell either but eventually you can get used to just about anything. It is exposure - they are exposing you to it without warning repeatedly and for no good (entertaining good not moral good) reason- in the example that this started about (the new KR movie) is was poorly done and it bothers me. If they want to deal with a subject then BRING IT - make it a part of the story - i am not sure how you would do it here but in other series it can be dealt with on an adult level so - if they want to provoke change or educate then they should do that. Also, I would like not to have to explain things like that to my son - I realized my error after - I expected the new KR to be like the old KR and times have just changed too much to expect a reasonable amount of restraint when doing prime time tv (i should have expected as much but i was lulled into a false sense of security by the memories of the original series). I am interested in entertainment when I sit down to be entertained - when i sit down to learn that is what i expect. I do not like sitting down for cake and getting lumps of potato in there too - ya know? I thought Will & Grace was funny most of the time - but I knew (because of the content) not to sit down and watch an episode with my son.

konfusion 02-18-2008 01:27 PM

lol i liked the movie myself. but you made that part really stand out to me after reading this. i wouldnt have even payed attention to it.

rmehta2 02-18-2008 02:28 PM

i don't know man...but I am TOTALLY sick of Britney Spears. Everytime she's on tv I keep throwing up. Who the hell cares what she does now? She isn't going to be a successful singer anymore.

konfusion 02-18-2008 02:30 PM


Tcel93 02-18-2008 02:32 PM

Dang it, I come to CPS to relax, and someone drops the BS...(Britney Spears)... LMAO

I'm tired of hearing about her sorry *** too.

cp32 02-18-2008 02:53 PM

Give it a few weeks. She will either 1 be on her way to huge come back...On her back. 2 DEAD.

wayshway 02-18-2008 04:04 PM

Britney and Hollywood is the most important news in the states. It matters more than the war, our economy, sports, weather or terrorism.

wayshway 02-18-2008 04:05 PM


quote:Originally posted by cp32

Give it a few weeks. She will either 1 be on her way to huge come back...On her back. 2 DEAD.

Or pregnant.

wayshway 02-18-2008 04:05 PM

Let's not forget about Paris and Lindsey.

wayshway 02-18-2008 04:23 PM


quote:Originally posted by rmehta2

She isn't going to be a successful singer anymore.
She wasn't a singer to begin with. Like most solo R & B artists. It's manufactured music. [88][88]

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