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allaboutduncan 08-25-2005 12:07 AM - fighting sloppy sets

From today on, we'll be posting news items for major sets featuring major flaws in order to draw attention to them. Studios will be contacted and given 2 working days for an explanation on a reported issue, and then the information will be posted to the site, with, or without, their explanation. I'll decide what gets posted, and I'll be the one writing them up. I'll also be the one to contact the studio and ask for a response.

We've taken some heat in the forums because it seems all we do is post about positive stuff, and while I'd like to defend myself, and the site, many of those posts are correct. The "Alterations List" was a step in the right direction, but it seems more needs to be done, and it needs to be on the front page of the site. We've been called on this by users of our site, and now we're calling the studios on the sloppy releases that are coming out. We'd rather see releases of TV titles slowed down, and done right, than sloppy titles released with the promise that a fixed set is around the corner. Spend a bit more time and do it right

markatisu 08-25-2005 12:16 AM

I know for a fact given what Gord Lacey (the owner) has posted elsewhere and has emailed others privately that this was in part brought on due to the Thundercats release that WB first appreciated Gord contacting them of the errors but then later ignored him which just pissed him

I would expect all the recent reports of vast music replacement and syndicated versions instead of original versions has just sped up the issues, its great he decided to do this as I think its becomming a widespread problem and for the amounts they charge per boxset enough is enough! I mean they take our $40-60 per box and obviously dont really care what they are giving us to buy, like his article says there are numerous fans who would review the content for free and help the studios release whats correct

lordsmurf 08-25-2005 07:30 AM

"Sloppy mistakes"

debwalsh 08-25-2005 07:44 AM

Unfortunately, I think this lack of awareness is not unheard of in trading circles, as well. DVD nuts are going crazy over syndication cuts, missing "previously on" segments, aspect ratio differences, lack of caption track, music changes, episode order, etc. Go over to Home Theatre Forum to the TV on DVD section, and you'll see post after post of "Not anamorphic? No sale!" or "Syndication Prints? No sale!" Reading the posts, you almost have to wonder who is buying anything, because the purists aren't.

lordsmurf 08-25-2005 07:58 AM

I'm not so anal as to not buy a DVD because of something minor, but major mistakes ... no sale here either.

Although I want to make a note that there is a difference between "purist" and "anal retentive whiney baby". A majority of the people that whine online fall to the category of the latter, most of them unreasonable net trolls. Purists and true collectors tend to write for magazines, run fanzines, fan sites, etc. They don't really need forums to vent.

debwalsh 08-25-2005 09:42 AM

No, they need forums to find other like-minded whackos. :>

Magazine writing, fanzines, fan sites ... check, check, and check! :>

battle7 08-25-2005 10:37 AM

I think they need to go one step farther as to see what the production companies intend to do to correct their mistakes, ie; such as returning flawed copies for fixed ones at no cost. I mean we are paying for what is suppose to be an unflawed copy and thats what we should get.

Bandai has been really messing up here lately, such as the problems with their Ghost In the Shell releases, one of which is the horrible subtitles on the second movie, (even the sound effects were subtitles; ie door creaking, there's a subtitle for the sound effect) and the others defects are in the Ghost in the Shell series with the DTS tracks being flawed. I do have to give Bandai kudos for trying to make the problem right, they posted at instructions as to how to get your discs replaced for corrected discs. However, I stress that these companies need to put forth more effort in the editing process before releasing to the mass market. At least take the time to watch your product before expecting someone else to.

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