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markatisu 07-18-2006 05:39 AM

Premiere TV: TMNT Fast Forward
4kids/FoxBox premieres Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fast Forward
Time: 10am CST

Episode Title: "Future Shellshock"
Season 5A Episode 01 (Season 5 has 2 realities)

Synopsis: In an alternate reality the turtles are brought to the future by Cody Jones, the grandson of Casey Jones (TMNT) and April O’Neil, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael are forced to adapt to a whole new world – without their home, junk food or Shredder... Series is set to bow 26 stand alone episodes

The final Season of TMNT will be released direct to DVD and NOT air on 4kids/FoxBox. That direct to dvd season will tie up the 2003 TMNT series while "Fast Forward" will be considered an alternate reality.

MOTUfan 07-18-2006 06:15 AM

I knew that the Ninja Tribunal storyline was going to be Direct to DVD :)

I wouldve missed the Fast Forward premiere thanks Mark :)

I heard Fast Forward takes place after Ninja Tribunal, that in the final episode they are whisped away to the future.


markatisu 07-18-2006 06:18 AM

yeah some people are considering Fast Forward a Season 6, I guess we will have to watch and see

I only knew about it from a brief promo they did last weekend

MOTUfan 07-18-2006 07:47 AM

Yep the guys over at the offical TMNT site consider FF season six.


markatisu 07-18-2006 07:58 AM

It doesnt look from the promo I recorded visually different, its got some lighter colors and from what I read is supposed to be more comedic, I will watch the premiere and see how different it actually is.

I guess it would be appropriate as Season 6 since it is bound to turn off a lot of hardcore fans who liked the 2003 series return to the darkness of the original comics and away from the awful comedy and "multiple vacation" events of the 87 show

lordsmurf 07-18-2006 08:17 AM

I would consider myself one of those "hardcore fans" that was mainly interested in the show because of it's dark and mysterious nature. I actually never really read the old comics. And the corny TMNT 80s series was grating after a while.

MOTUfan 07-18-2006 12:41 PM

I just did a quick rundown of the DVD releases with corisponding number.

TMNT Volume 1: "Attack of the Mousers"

1. "Things Change"
2. "A Better Mousetrap"
3. "Attack of the Mousers"

TMNT Volume 2: "Meet Casey Jones"

4. "Meet Casey Jones"
5. "Nano"
6. "Darkness on the Edge of Town"

TMNT Volume 3: The Way of Invisibility

7. "The Way of Invisibility"
8. "Fallen Angel"
9. "Garbageman"

TMNT Volume 4: "The Shredder Strikes"

10. "The Shredder Strikes" Part One
11. "The Shredder Strikes" Part Two
12. "The Unconvincing Turtle Titan"

TMNT Volume 5: "Notes from the Underground"

13. "Notes from the Underground" Part One
14. "Notes from the Underground" Part Two
15. "Notes from the Underground" Part Three

TMNT Volume 6: "Shredder Strikes Back"

16. "The King"
17. "The Shredder Strikes Back" Part One
18. "The Shredder Strikes Back" Part Two
19. "Tales of Leo"

TMNT Volume 7: "Return to New York"

20. "Monster Hunter"
21. "Return to New York" Part One
22. "Return to New York" Part Two
23. "Return to New York" Part Three

TMNT Volume 8: "Search for Splinter"

24. "Lone Raph and Cub"
25. "Search for Splinter" Part One
26. "Search for Splinter" Part Two

TMNT Volume 9: "Turtles In Space"

27. "The Fugitoid"
28. "The Trouble With Triceratons"
29. "The Big House"
30. "The Arena"

TMNT Volume 10: "Secret Origins"

31. "Triceraton Wars"
32. "Secret Origins" Part One
33. "Secret Origins" Part Two
34. "Secret Origins" Part Three

TMNT Volume 11: "The Ultimate Ninja"

36. "Reflections"
35. "The Ultimate Ninja"
37. "Modern Love: The Return of Nano"
44. "The Golden Puck"

TMNT Volume 12: "Croc Attack!"

38. "What a Croc!"
39. "Return to the Underground"
43. "Junklantis"
48. "Return of the Justice Force"
47. "April's Artifact"

Michelangelo's Christmas Rescue

64. "The Christmas Aliens"
repeat "Things Change"
repeat "Nano"
repeat "The Shredder Strikes" Part One

TMNT Volume 13: "The Battle Nexus"

49. "The Big Brawl" Part One
50. "The Big Brawl" Part Two
51. "The Big Brawl" Part Three
52. "The Big Brawl" Part Four

TMNT Volume 14: "City At War"

40. "City At War" Part One
41. "City At War" Part Two
42. "City At War" Part Three
45. "Rogue in the House" Part One
46. "Rogue in the House" Part Two

TMNT Volume 3.1: Ways of the Warrior "Alien Invasion"

53. "Space Invaders" Part One
54. "Space Invaders" Part Two
55. "Space Invaders" Part Three
63. "The Lesson"
60. "Hunted"

TMNT Volume 3.2: Ways of the Warrior "Worlds Collide"

56. "Worlds Collide" Part One
57. "Worlds Collide" Part Two
58. "Worlds Collide" Part Three
59. "Touch and Go"
65. "New Blood"

TMNT Volume 3.3: Ways of the Warrior "Return of the Ultimate Ninja"

71. "Reality Check"
72. "Across The Universe"
73. "Same As It Never Was"
74. "The Real World" Part One
75. "The Real World" Part Two

TMNT Volume 3.4:

77. "Exodus" Part One
78. "Exodus" Part Two
79. "Cousin Sid"
83. "Dragon's Brew"
87. "Bad Day"

TMNT Volume 3.5: "Mutants & Monsters"

66. "The Darkness Within"
68. "The Entity Below"
76. "Bishop's Gambit"
84. "I, Monster"
86. "All Hallows Thieves"

TMNT Volume 3.6: "Turtles Against H.A.T.E."

61. "H.A.T.E."
69. "Time Travails"
80. "The People's Choice"
82. "Sons of the Silent Age"

TMNT Volume 3.7: "Hun on the Run"

62. "Nobody's Fool"
70. "Hun on the Run"
85. "Grudge Match"
81. "Wing and a Prayer"
88. "Aliens Among Us"
89. "Dragons Rising"

So that leaves 16 episodes, one unaired Insane in the Membrane and the other Ninja Tribunal which will probably be included in Season 5:

67. Mission of Gravity
90. Still Nobody
91. Samurai Tourist
92. The Ancient One
93. Scion of the Shredder
94. Prodigal Son
95. Outbreak
96. The Trouble With Augie
97. A Tale of Master Yoshi
98. Return of Savanti, Part I
99. Return of Savanti, Part II
100. Adventures in Turtle-Sitting
101. Good Genes Part I
102. Good Genes Part II
103. The Ninja Tribunal
104. Insane in the Membrane


MOTUfan 07-29-2006 01:37 AM

Well i got done watching the first episode. It seems to be a direct continuation of the TMNT toon and not a alternate reality as reported earlier. Well after the next direct to dvd season that is anyways.

I liked the whole thing except for the shows opening theme.

And Beebop from the original toon even made a cameo as a driver of one of the vehicles :)


lordsmurf 08-19-2006 12:07 AM

The robot cop in the first episode has a voice that basically rips off the Junkions on Transformers the movie.

tekken1701 08-19-2006 03:32 PM

I dont like it at all. I gave it 3 episodes to convince me but it didnt. I wont be recording this anymore. I want my "lost" season!!!

MOTUfan 08-21-2006 08:43 AM


Dont give up yet itll get better. The Dark Turtles havent even been introduced :)

On a side note did the future USA get bought out by the UK?? It seems that way with Constables and the accents and everything :)


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