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d.smyth 02-22-2009 08:03 AM

plasma VS lcd
witch tv is better lcd or plasma ?

ogopogo2000 02-22-2009 07:46 PM

I own one of each. I like that you don't see motion blur on the plasma. Also, it seems to have a wider viewing angle. LCD looks better in rooms where there is a lot of light.

lordsmurf 02-22-2009 10:19 PM

Plasma gets screen burn from video games (or anything that stays on screen too long), LCD is not as easy for that problem.

I have a Sony SXRD set, which is a projected through a custom Sony chip based on the Intel LCOS chip. An LCOS chip is similar to an LCD. So it's projected through LCD, best of both worlds. Great color, no blurs, good blacks, great viewing distance, view angle and no typical projection "screendoor" or spotlight problems.

The second-best television to an SXRD is the Sony XBR LCD sets.

Because consumers are stupid, SXRD was end-of-lifed already, because it did not hang on a wall or come in sizes smaller than 50" (mine is the 55" model).

konfusion 02-23-2009 06:34 AM

depends on price... I think the best plasma is better then the best lcd. but only the best plasma to me is better. Almost all plasmas have burn in issues for video games besides The Pioneer Elite Kuro 50 and 60 in. that has no burn in issues i play video games on it all the time. actually pioneer owns but youll be eating top ramen for a year after buying lol. For LCD Sony is great or if i was to get a lcd it would be the Samsung 9 Series

do a search on these
Plasma = Pioneer Elite Kuro PRO-111FD only in 50 or 60 inch
LCD = Samsung 9 Series 46 and above

so you really cant decide on lcd vs plasma cause it depends which one. ive seen crapty for both

debwalsh 02-23-2009 08:14 AM

Crutchfield has a nice article on their web site, as well as lots of other resources, to help you decide - it's not a simple one is always better than the other.

Here's the URL for the article:

My Mom just got a Sony KDL32L4000 - I was pleased with how smoothly it deals with fast-moving images, and how true the colors seem next to other flat screens in the same size class at the store. Granted, I haven't seen the XBRs, but they are quite a bit more expensive, and my Mom didn't want to spend a fortune on a TV.

Tranzor 03-05-2009 02:26 AM

I was talking to a tv repairman a few months back and we spoke about the various formats. He was saying that projection sets are the next to be phased out due to repair cost, and size as well as weight of the sets. Plasma would then follow next due to similar reasons as projection and that lcds are really going to be the overall winning party. Mostly all for reasons already mentioned in above posts: anyone can lift it, the cost is dropping, the repair cost is still relatively reasonable, and the picture is getting better with each generation of them

wayshway 04-12-2009 02:39 AM

CP32 told me her 19 inch TV is 30 years old. [88][88]

cp32 04-14-2009 04:01 AM

LMAO! Yes, still works for now :P

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