I wonder if anyone from the U.S. can help me?
I've just found out Criterion is releasing a Deluxe edition of "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" on January 21, 2014. I'm really interested in this release and I was wondering if someone could get this for me. It is on Amazon, pre-order now. if it is pre-ordered now, it can be bought with 40% off the normal price. I am asking for someone to from the U.S. to get this for me as I live in the UK and it can only be pre ordered in the U.S. only.
The pre-order price at the moment is $29.99 US Dollars. I can either send cash (in whichever currency you wish, in a well sealed envelope which will be sent tracked mail so that you will need to sign for it.) or if you prefer, we can do as a trade (stuff my list.) The other thing I can do, if it will help anybody is to order something from the same price range from Amazon UK.
If there is anyone who is willing to help, please drop me a line. Thank you for reading this post