UPDATE: December 2012
I have managed to get a lot Disney Channel videos from Australia recently, but still no luck on the other VHS, DVD and laserdiscs. if anyone can help, please let me know
- The Disney Channel Vol. 11 (Walt Disney Home Video. 1985-88)
- Um Natal Especial com os Marretas (A Christmas Special with thr Muppets/Muppet Family Christmas) (Paramount/New Age Entertainment 2002?)
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- O Melhor dos Marretas Vol. 2 (The Best of the Muppets 2) (Paramount/New Age Entertainment 2002)
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- Melhor dos Marretas 1 (The Best of the Muppets 1) (Paramount/New Age Entertainment 2002)
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- Fantástica Miss Piggy (Fantastic Miss Piggy) (Paramount/New Age Entertainment 2002?)
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- As Aventuras dos Marretas (The Adventures of The Muppets/The Muppet Movie) (Paramount/New Age Entertainment 2002?)
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- The Best of Kermit on Sesame Street (Sony 2002)
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- Living with Dinosaurs/Fearful Dragon Kun, My Nephew (KSS Films) (cat.no. KSLD 108) (Laserdisc)
- Song of the Cloud Forest/Poem of the Forest of Clouds (KSS Films) (cat. no. KSLD 109) (Laserdisc)
- Secrets of the Muppets/Mystery of the Muppets (KSS Films) (cat. no. KSLD 110) (Laserdisc)
- The Muppets Go to the Movies
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- The Fantastic Miss Piggy Show
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