Star Trek - Season 1
Release Information:
Studio: Paramount Home Video
Release Type: Season Boxed Set
Release Format: HD DVD
Release Date: 11/20/2007
Number of Discs: 10
Number of Episodes: 29
Running Time: 1461 mins
Retail Price: $194.99 (US$)
$222.75 (CAN$)
Audio/Video Information:
Video: Full Frame (1.33:1)
Audio: English Dolby True HD (HD DVD side)
Dolby Digital English 5.1 Surround (DVD side)
Spanish Mono (both sides)
French Mono (both sides)
Subtitles: English, Spanish
Experience STAR TREK: The Original Series as never before in a 10-disc HD DVD/DVD combo disc set. Meticulously remastered from the original camera negative specifically for this high-definition release, each classic episode is presented in pristine condition with state-of-the-art digital visual effects. 1960s special effects have been replaced with 21st century computer-generated imagery to give new depth and atmosphere to various elements including the main title sequence, the galaxy shots frequently seen from the Enterprise's bridge, the battle scenes, planets and alien ships, some of the matte paintings used as backdrops for new worlds, as well as the Enterprise and other Starships, which have been replaced with state-of-the-art CGI-created ships.
This is an HD DVD release, and will only play back on HD DVD players.
* Each disc is a "Hybrid", with hi-def HD DVD on one side, and standard DVD on the other side
* Bonus features on the HD DVD side are as follows:
o Starfleet Access - On-screen graphical interface allows viewers to access Picture in Picture video commentaries, comparisons of re-mastered vs. original effects, encyclopedic information (science, life forms, technology), episode trivia and more on the following episodes:
1. Where No Man Has Gone Before
2. The Menagerie, Part 1
3. The Menagerie, Part 2
4. Balance of Terror
5. The Galileo Seven
6. Space Seed
7. Errand of Mercy
o Spacelift: Transporting Trek into the 21st Century
From new visual effects to sound, this documentary provides an in-depth exploration of the remastering of classic Star Trek episodes.
o Billy Blackburn's Treasure Chest: Rare Home Movies and Special Memories
Join crew member and "extra-extraordinaire" Billy Blackburn as he shares his own behind-the-scenes home movie footage of life on the set of Star Trek.
o Interactive Enterprise Tour
Viewers will explore the Enterprise interior and exterior in detail as they pilot their own shuttlecraft in this spectacular 3D simulated feature.
o Perpetual Entertainment's "Star Trek Online" MMO Game Preview
* Bonus features on the standard DVD side are as follows:
o Spacelift: Transporting Trek into the 21st Century
o The Birth of a Timeless Legacy
o Reflections on Spock
o Life Beyond Trek: William Shatner
o To Boldly Go...Season One
o Sci-Fi Visionaries
o Billy Blackburn's Treasure Chest: Rare Home Movies and Special Memories
o Kiss & Tell: Romance in the 24th Century
o Trek Connections
o Star Trek: Beyond the Final Frontier
o Episode Preview Trailers
o Perpetual Entertainment's "Star Trek Online" MMO Game Preview