She asked to join just to post this and is now writing to anyone with a pulse about her disgust. It has been forwarded to a bunch of animation sites so hopefully they have the balls to out WB.
I'm Celesta Johnston-Krantz from ThunderCats: Illustrated one of those in the so-called featurette. To say that I'm disappointed in what was given in the segment is a massive understatement.
I went there in a respectable fashion, as one very knowledgeable of the series. (I correctly stated the call of Thundercats Ho!) I did my best to represent the fandom in a good light. I was even told I would be the prominent one in the featurette. I thought when I was told that, the producer was impressed with what I brought to the interview in regards to the series. My interview was at least an hour and a half long, and there was delving into aspects of the series that would have been very interesting to share than what was given in that "Wil Wheaton mini-feature."
I'm sad to see we won't see any of it and be proud of it. It was fantastic and very exciting for me to think the series would be discussed in that way on a special feature, and on the very first DVD set of the series, an honour to be sure (not with WB apparently).
I didn't expect it to be so short, because of the amount of information we talked about, and I certainly didn't expect we would look so terrible. I'm very sorry it came off like a joke that I wasn't a willing participant in on the rest of the fandom. I know I didn't go there to become a laughing stock. I went there to contribute what knowledge and talent I honed because of the series.
It is also very unsettling to me to hear of so many errors made in recording the eps onto DVD format. I am very much praying for a recall of the affected discs. For the record, I still haven't received my promised complimentary copy of the set.
Not trading anymore, if you are interested we can work something out. Look ma I am sorta famous (and again).