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markatisu 05-26-2006 04:42 PM

Did you like X-Men 3? (spoilers inside)
I absolutely hated the movie. I was so pissed when it was over. So many complaints, the comic book nerd in me definitly was enraged

lordsmurf 05-26-2006 05:49 PM

I was definitely not impressed. The canon was not only stretched, it was torn and used to wipe nether regions. Too much was changed, and as many of you know, I actually prefer "elseworld" or "what if" type stories almost more than the mainstream ones. They did it to be "more realistic", of course, but some of the genetics and telekinesis was just way overboard in terms of reality.

We got almost no character development of any kind. The girl that played Kitty is 19 going on 20, so feel free to drool, she's legal. I really wanted to see more out of the new characters like Juggernaut.

Not a bad movie, but not great. I'd really like to see an X-MEN 4, just for the sake of fixing what they have broken.

If you think about it, that's what superheroes stories are all about. Screw up something on a large scale, something that would have destroyed normal life in the real world, and killed normal humans. But for a superhero, it's all about how they overcome all odds. The movie ended without them fixing everything they screwed up, though we get some half hints (which would usually lead to a sequel, but box office will determine that one).

rmehta2 05-26-2006 06:52 PM

i was pissed

ninjagirl 05-27-2006 12:30 AM

I saw this last night and I was a quite disappointed in this film, not one ounce of the film followed the comics and found they crammed so much into one film nothing was developed properly.

I was expecting alot more from the phoenix, instead she stood their acting pretty and barly did anything till the end, even that was poorly done. (apart from killing professor X and scott, but even their deaths shed no tears)

I was expecting some sentinels to come into play alot more, instead all you saw was the head in the danger room. Especially when the president said if they wanted a war we will give them one.

considering trask was in it, i thought they might at least bring one. instead we got the so called cure. where's the legacy virus?

juggernaut, the worst development ever. he's charles step brother and didn't even utter a word to charles when he went past him or even tried to hurt him.

Even the famous cannonball by collossus and wolverine didn't seem right when they did it.

Overall this film was not up to scratch, too many holes in it and too much fast paced for a x-men film. Nothing was done to keep it in sync with the comics and no development for the characters either.

It was like putting 100 comics into 1 film and not doing anything with it. True i wasn't expecting much from this film, but i thought they could of at least done alot more to it and not leave it with so many holes that they end up ruining it all together.

DAN_D 05-27-2006 01:52 AM


Why'd you have to go ruin it for those of us who haven't seen it? I'm usually in favor of detailed explanations on things, but in this case, a review similar to Marks would've sufficed!!!

BTW....The same goes for LS, though he didn't screw up quite as bad.

ninjagirl 05-27-2006 02:14 AM

considering the titile was did you like x-men 3, its general that it will be talkback thread for anyone who seen the movie itself. If you havn't seen it why read the thread?

this is why i avoid threads like these, as i know they contain spoilers.

Skuff 05-27-2006 03:17 AM

so is it actually worth going to see? and did any of you see the 'lil clip at the end of the credits?

markatisu 05-27-2006 04:07 AM

The lil clip at the end last maybe 1 minute and was sooooo not worth it

cp32 05-27-2006 09:14 AM

All I m going to say is.... We Have a Cure. DESTROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY THEM!

The end. lol

DAN_D 05-27-2006 11:31 AM


quote:Originally posted by ninjastriker

considering the titile was did you like x-men 3, its general that it will be talkback thread for anyone who seen the movie itself. If you havn't seen it why read the thread?

this is why i avoid threads like these, as i know they contain spoilers.
Okay, I saw the film today...While it wasn't the "best" X-MEN film you'll see (the 1st was for me), it was STILL worth going to see. The Phoenix was an intreguing character, and Beast...WOW! The only people who "hate" this film are those X-MEN fans that wanted the movie to be directly translated from the comics, and as we've seen from past Comic book adapted films, that just isn't going to happen.

Now on to Curtis, yes, one would think that you can say that you enjoyed or disliked a film WITHOUT giving away too much info. about the film, couldn't you? Starting these types of "did you like it" threads is fine as long as one posts (either in a header, or at the begining of his/her post) that he/she is going to use a "spoiler-filled" response. The point is, next time please wait until at least Monday to "spoil" a film, it gives most others a chance to go watch the film, as well as making for better "water cooler" or board posting material. Wouldn't you say?

markatisu 05-27-2006 11:37 AM

I dont know how you can you even say "The Phoenix was an intreguing character" Dan, there was NOTHING Phoenix like in the movie at all. It must have cost too much to do any effects outside making her resemble Dark Galadriel from Lord of the Rings!

This movie sucked, as a non comic story it was only mediocre. No character development and way too many cameos. As a comic story it was horrible

DAN_D 05-27-2006 11:45 AM


quote:Originally posted by markatisu

I dont know how you can you even say "The Phoenix was an intreguing character" Dan, there was NOTHING Phoenix like in the movie at all. It must have cost too much to do any effects outside making her resemble Dark Galadriel from Lord of the Rings!

This movie sucked, as a non comic story it was only mediocre. No character development and way too many cameos. As a comic story it was horrible

Sorry Mark, I should've said, she's intreguing in a "uuum uuum" kind of way.:D Yes, they could've developed the character more, but with only an hr and a half of run-time (they should've made it 2 1/2 hrs), what should we have expected? I wouldn't say this movie "sucked" either, it wasn't great, but it didn't "suck". That said, even the most reasonable minds will disagree from time to time.

markatisu 05-27-2006 12:04 PM

We can only hope if they do a X-Men 4 they get better script writers, do not rush it and do the Days of Future Past storyline. Either that or have Bishop come in through a time warp to explain this was all a time paradox...I mean anyone who has watched X-Men or read the comics knows time travel explains a lot of mess ups

Even though we can agree to disagree I think we can all 100% agree that this was not the movie we expected and that there was a letdown

rmehta2 05-27-2006 03:28 PM

Too many people died...they have to have that cure as a "Temporary" thing. Or do the time travel thing as Mark said.

That Danger Room was pretty cool though.

If they do the time travel idea...they should have Bishop, Cable, Apocalypse and Sentinels in the movie.

tekken1701 05-27-2006 04:19 PM

This movie was definitely NOT good, but still not the worst superhero movie..that title STILL belongs to Daredevil with Fantastic Four running a close second! Brett Ratner should be castrated for making this movie then forced to eat his own manfruit.[:u] No character development is probably the understatement of the century in relation to this movie.

lordsmurf 05-27-2006 04:55 PM

The thing about Leech is his powers have never been permanent. And then we can always rely on Wolverine's immune system to "cure" the cure. Wolverine saves the day again, eh?

What I want from X-MEN 4:
Next movie needs big Sentinels, a fall-out from the X3 movie. All cured mutants now uncured. Xavier is back and explain some sort of physical change in him too (and even make his legs still not work, explain it away as his mind preventing him from walking, done that before). Kitty and Colossus. Bring in Gambit, and something happens to Rogue where she finally gets super powered. Scott was just lost and had amnesia. Jean resurrected as final spoiler. Some time travel with Bishop would be good, help move the story somehow. Get a good script writer, give 2½ hours for the movie, and this can all happen plus a little more to make it original and not comic re-hash.

Maybe not follow 100% canon, but danged well respect it.

DAN_D 05-27-2006 05:00 PM

Ouch Tekken, that sounds pretty painful :D Perhaps those in charge of such decisions should allow a group of fans to write, produce, and direct the next Marvel comic to film adaptation, can't be any worse than what's currently being churned out by the studios and complained about by the movie goers...

markatisu 05-27-2006 05:01 PM

What was sad for me is the Danger Room scene was almost better than the entire movie

Another part that would have made me VERY happy if is Bobby when he was fighting Pyro had iced up like he does in the toon and then told him "Its not Bobby,its ICEMAN!", Icing up over the jacket and saying "you should have stayed in school" just did not give me the YEAH factor since Pyro has been riding him for 2 movies

DAN_D 05-27-2006 05:23 PM

see, Mark's already trying his hand at writing and directing [:x)] J/K carnalito [88]

cp32 05-27-2006 08:25 PM

[88]. I say xaiver is the kid in the room they rescued ;) [88]. Or a long lost son hmmm [:u];)??? Anything is possible with Hollywood. [(#)] Wait!!!! [:u] I have the perfect ending . To end all endings ! X-MEN : The soap opera vs Passions [88][88][:p][:o)][(#)];)

Where's little timmy the midget [(#)]

wayshway 05-28-2006 01:57 PM

And most of all bring back Bryon Singer!! I think I'm going to wait for X-3 to come out on DVD. :)

ksmoothe1 05-29-2006 01:45 AM

This movie was HORRIBLE PERIOD !!!!


A) They killed or messed with too many key characters

B)Brett Ratner has no clue what fans want. Has he ever cracked open a marvel comic ??

C) Acting from Hugh and Storm was no where near on the leavel of X1 / X2

Xaviers was that. Look like some left over special effects from "Lawnmover Man"

Cyclops death ?? Didn't even realize he was dead. They showed nothing...

This is a classic example of what happens when a good director is replaced by a subpar. I was worried when Bryon Singer left to do Superman but at least we know Superman will turn out alright !!!!

The movie was rushed to hell and back....literally.

The only good part was the fight scene in Jean Greys house. For the characters that were in the last 2 movies like rogue and cyclops...I'd be mad as hell with the barely 5 min cameos.

Even the battle between Pyro and Iceman was shabby as hell and I was REALLY looking forward to that fight almost as much as the Wolverine Juggernaut..

The only props were Juggs calling Kitty Pride a "Bit.H"

And of course Stan Lee's

Ending suxs period. I haven't been this put off since the comparison of Micheal Keaton Batman and the George Clooney Batman...again we had a change of directors....

Man this suxs

We have to kidnap Bryon Singer !!!
Who's with me ???

We didn't even get to see an actual Sentinel...just a lopped off head ??? WTF ???

Here's to hopping Spidey 3 can give fans what they want....

I haven't felt this lost since the 2nd Matrix......

ksmoothe1 05-29-2006 02:51 AM

What happened to the tough arse Wolverine we come to know and love ????

He was a little pansy fruit through out the whole movie. Nothing like the feral animal we saw in x1 / x2. There was barely a wolvie fight scene that was better than the wolvie/deathstrike fight in x2. He was more feral in x2 as the soldiers raided the x mansion. Did Hugh somehow forget how to portray Wolverine. If he stays like this then I can't see going to watch a Wolvie solo flick....

I give this movie 3 claws down......

Tranzor 05-29-2006 02:49 PM

I enjoyed the film. Then again I was never into the comics that much (though not entirely lost on them either).
I understand that fans of the comic would be upset by changes, but they still have to make the film so that people who have never read an issue would be able to still follow and enjoy the film. Had they stuck strictly with what was in the comics, a huge percentage of the viewing audience would have no idea what was going on in reference to past events and relationships with the characters and so forth, etc.
I think many of you may have been a little too hard in your review of the film, but thats just my take on reading your opinions on it.

tekken1701 05-30-2006 10:23 AM

Did anybody else have a problem with Leech stealing Juggernaut's powers? Does anybody who makes a comic book movie, besides Sam Raimi, READ a dang comic before they do it??? Juggernaut's powers are MAGICAL from the gem of Cyttorak NOT a mutant power. Also, when Wolvie is fighting the guy throwing daggers in the woods and gets stabbed in the belly, he pulls the blades out. Ok, fine, he would heal, but his CLOTHES wouldnt. In the next shot, Magneto pulls him through the air and his shirt has NO holes!!! C'mon, people, is there not a continuity director for crap like that?? Again, not the worst superhero movie but pretty dang close!!!

markatisu 05-30-2006 11:17 AM

I agree a lot with what you said Robot but by the 3rd movie in a series those who had no interest or did not care about the license would already be phased out.

What you said usually only pertains to the 1st movie in a series of which I agree wholehearedly since you are trying to get as much of a general audience as possible, but heading into a 3rd film generalizing it will only violate the fan base which is most of what the audience will be.

1st impressions matter most, 3rd impressions do not.

Tranzor 05-30-2006 11:47 AM

I still found the film very enjoyable, though I prefer the 2nd installment out of the three. Im sure the 8 zillion director changes, and actor turn downs for various characters (gambit being one) did not help the film much either (which led to more script re-writes). I did not care so much what has happended in the comic as I knew it would really nt be following it. I took the film for what it was without worrying about every little detail.

I think if you went into the film as that, just being a film and not so much carrying the massive history from the comic, perhaps some of you would not be as upset as you were.

tekken1701 05-30-2006 02:49 PM


quote:Originally posted by Robot

I think if you went into the film as that, just being a film and not so much carrying the massive history from the comic, perhaps some of you would not be as upset as you were.
Robot, how in the world do you think you can make a comic book movie(especially one with the fan base and longevity of the Xmen) WITHOUT bringing the history of the comic into it. For one, the guys that the movie companies want to repeatedly see the movies are the comic book fans. The same goes with Superman,Batman, and Spiderman who all have longer histories than the Xmen.If they werent going to use the history of the comics, they could have called the movie MUTIES or whatever and done whatever the hell they wanted.

Tranzor 05-30-2006 04:25 PM

You can bring certain elements into it (which they did), but you have to expect change and things not to follow the comic to a "t".

You cant just sit their and say well they didn't do this, this and this, blah blah blah, because you are just ruining it for yourself basing it on what they should have or could have done, to what they did do and enjoy it for what it is. The film itself really was not bad, but if you bring into it every minute detail from the comics then yes that would bring it down drastically. And even at that point they kind of merged most of the x-men series into one (borrowing from each). Again I just really fail to see how this was such a bad film other than the fact of changing a few items around.

I heard the same type of complaints about character change from the silent hill film and that still turned out to be suprisingly pretty decent

also while on this subject of x-men comics, I made a post in the off-topic forum some of you may be interested in

ksmoothe1 06-06-2006 02:16 AM

Cure not permanent ????

I'm watching x3 ...last scene where magneto is looking at the chess board. Attempts to use his powers and the Chess piece wiggles ????

Maybe I was too upset when I watched this the first time to notice.

Tranzor 06-06-2006 04:07 PM

I took that scene as being, yes the cure is permanent, but since Magneto was so strong, he actually beat the cure (or more in the sense of his powers were too great for it to fully have a true lasting effect)

markatisu 06-06-2006 04:32 PM

I would bet things are elaborated more on the DVD release, there are probably some more scenes we did not see. Anyone remember X-Men 1.5?

Probably might strengthen some other storyline and plotholes too

ksmoothe1 06-06-2006 09:59 PM

I took it to mean the opposite. That the cure was not permanent. Almost a way of leaving the story line open. Magneto got hit with more than the average amt. of dosage. He got hit with about 4 needles by the Beast. But anyhoo...I was watching it and happen to notice it. That would also explain in the event of a possible 4th movie, the coming back of Mystique and other "brotherhood" mutants. And of course the scene at the end of all the credits shows that Charles is still about Scott...hmmm....??????

lordsmurf 06-08-2006 10:20 AM

Scott is just lost.

ksmoothe1 07-01-2006 04:19 AM

Scott being pissed off after noticing how short his role was in X3 wandered off the set and married Lois Lane in the new Superman

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