Cartoon Network has announced that Season 9 of the hit series Pokémon will be premiering this Fall under the guise of Pokémon: Battle Frontier. The former Kids' WB! show continues the journies of Ash and May as they traverse the lands of Kanto, where Ash competes against the six remaining Frontier Brains in the Battle Frontier, while May continues to compete in Pokémon Contests, hoping to catch up to her rivals Harley and Drew. 52 episodes of the series have been confirmed to have been picked up by Cartoon Network. It was not said where the new season would air.
Currently, the remaining episodes of Pokémon Advanced Battle still air on Kids' WB! Saturday mornings at 10AM. Pokémon Advanced Challenge airs Monday-Friday at 5PM on Miguzi, and premiere episodes of Pokémon Chronicles are airing Saturdays at 7PM on Toonami.
Not trading anymore, if you are interested we can work something out. Look ma I am sorta famous (and again).