I think it's only going to be a highlight thing like they did the previous years. The only 4 mentioned in the advertising was Mr Perfect, Dusty Rhodes, Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross. Only reason for Perfect is because of Wade Boggs, only reason for Lawler because William Shatner inducts him and Steve Austin inducts JR.
I think it kinda sucks they did this thing just for the "celebrity" thing. It be nice if someone like Bret Hart would have inducted Perfect. Lawler should have been inducted by who he wanted, Memphis wrestling announcer Lance Russell. Personally I think Bill Watts should have inducted Ross.
I think they should have waited on the Shiek, Lawler, and Ross inductions until WWE got a chance to purchase the Big Time Wrestling, Memphis, and Mid-South/UWF footage.
Ricky Steamboat should have been inducted this year.
I'm waiting to see the DVD since I'm a big Nick Bockwinkel mark and Heenan is usually hilarious at the Hall of Fame.