blu ray is always on sale amazon has bogo sales all the time and many other sites. i get all mine from 10-15$ once in awhile i pay 20. unless its TV but still easy to get for cheap. i got prison break season 1 blu for 30$ and the normal one is about that price. IF anyone buys a blu-ray player and wants movies i have some good connects for movies for good prices. i dont think many people pay actual retail price of blu ray unless they are rich or stupid. i can tell a huge difference. but the tv makes a big difference as well. On a nice Pani or Pioneer elite or samsung lcd 1080p tv there is a huge difference. if you dont have a good 1080p tv i think its a waste of money and should stick to just regular dvd or just HD channels on tv.. there is a few blu-ray transfers that were really bad in the begining but the have fixed a few of them.
i remember before i had an hdtv i went to comp usa and watched their tvs and blu i was like man this is so ugly looking i dont see the big deal. this was the first blu of fifth element. the transfer and tv were crappy. then the remastered it again in blu and it was soo much freaking better. planet earth on blu looks crazy too. but then again my hd player is good too. i cant really tell the difference between the two but then again i dont have 2 of the same titles 1 blu and one red/hd.
anyone wants a demo. come over ill show you