Cartoon Network will air the Hellboy: Sword of Storms animated movie on Saturday, Oct. 28, in time for Halloween and well before the Feb. 6 DVD release.
Supervising producer Tad Stones said that the network has been a great partner for the film, noting that Cartoon Network vice president of programming Terry Kalagian was able to quote Hellboy source material.
Stones also noted that the film probably won't have to change much for television.
"If standards and practices says we'll have to trim a scene, that's fine, we'll do it," Stones said. "But there will only be one version on the DVD and it will be the unedited cut."
Hellboy creator Mike Mignola noted that the animated universe stands on its own from the comic books or the live-action film.
"It's not radically different," Mignola said. "It's recognizable, but it's a little different, which I kind of like. It's nice to keep them different."
Stones added, "There were places to revisit scenes and stories that are in the comics in an entirely new context. I think that was the right call, because you get a new adventure and then at certain point you'll say, 'Hey, wait, I know that. I know that. I know where it's going to go.' Not so much. You'll get a surprise, too."