Wizard's prices are based on shops from the West Coast seeing that they are based out west. Overstreet's prices are based on the East Coast. Wizard doesn't list everything in their magazines on a monthly basis, just the hot/popular titles. Overstreet lists everything in their books, but only releases a book every year. This is both good and bad as prices can fluctuate a lot in a years time and are hard to reflect in a book that comes out yearly. Although Overstreet explains the issues in more detail such as all the different variant covers and such.
There is another alternative, its called the Comics Buyers Guide. I believe it comes out monthly. It used to be in a newspaper format, not sure what its in now, but you can see what each dealer is getting for their books and just figure an average from the different dealers as they are from all over. But Overstreeet as far as being detailed on each isssue and the happenings for those issues.