Location: USA
Stats: 910 posts since Jun 2005
Status: Verified Member
Thanks: 2 times in 2 posts
Hello all
I been having problem copying a dvd set that is on DVD+R never had problem copying Dvd+r before but when i start to burn disc it read DVD+r but half way through burning it stop burning.I'm not having any problem with any other disc but this setdoes anyone know how i can get these disc to copy.I don't see any scratches on discs thanks for any info
Stats: 584 posts since Jun 2005
Status: Verified Member
Thanks: 2 times in 2 posts
Are you using a dvd duplicator? If so, do you have a dvd rom/burner hooked up to a PC? Can you read the dvd into the computer as an image (ISO) file and then burn that out?
Location: USA
Stats: 910 posts since Jun 2005
Status: Verified Member
Thanks: 2 times in 2 posts
They are hyundai dvd+r 4 x 4.7 GB & Maxell DVD+RW 8 X 4.7 Gb this set i got in trade i only use TY for my burning discs Disc play fine on a regular Dvd player but just won't copy