Originally Posted by lando786
I still keep in touch with a couple guys KidneyBoy and Rob (he has a youtube channel now)
Tell them to join here. I remember Kidneyboy.
Originally Posted by rockman666
I can't believe how long its been gone. It seems like yesterday......that's kinda what happens when you get old
mostly because I haven't had much reason to trade. It's hard to find stuff that I'm looking for
The era of streaming and torrents is to "blame", because lots of what we used to scrimp and scrounge for, in any quality, is now available fully released, sometimes even restored. And of course, that's not really a bad thing. There's still reason to trade, as not everything is available, and it still happens quite a bit, but less so now that the 1990s and 2000s.
Originally Posted by lando786
PSX ISO Collection.
lol now its just one fast trip to an emulation site and it's all there.
I think gaming has shifted a lot, too. PSX is not seen as vintage, just old. I've seen large downloads of the old ISOs available, but those seems unpopular due to size alone.
Originally Posted by rockman666
Yeah, back then everything was on physical media so we all had rooms in our houses full of JUST discs. Now, I probably have 50 discs TOTAL in my house and everything else is on external hard drives as ISOs
Me: Discs in closet, ISOs on drives, streaming to whole house via WDTVs.