I decided to go back re do Decline of Western Civilization II with Ulead.
I want to do a bonus feature on the Dsc.
I know how to do the menu & link it.
My question is , I want to be able set it up . So you can select a seperate audio track off bonus Menu Select songs or soundtrack listed in order.
Do I convert my mp3 to wave or mpeg audio? When I try to create each seperate track. It wants to use only one song for the menu. I want to use the bonus menu to select songs from each track listed within the menu . Any suggestions ?
Say for example: Click on Bonus Feature >
Decline of Western Civilization II Movie Soundtrack
Under My Wheels - Alice Cooper ( Thumbnail of alice)
2)Motorhead- Ace of Spades- ( Thumbnail of Lemmy)
. I want to have it so you select either or from the menu and play it.
As you would a Dvd audio?
What do you think????
Or Just do a seperate DVD Aduio as bonus dsc?